Saturday, July 23, 2011

HTC 6: Warner Lakes Redband

After resting from my back country Lahontan Cutthroat trip, I headed up into the high country for the Warner Lakes Redband Trout. There is only one small spot in California to catch this species, although it has a much larger native range in Oregon. As one can see from the picture, they are beautiful fish, as are all the fish in the Heritage Trout Challenge (HTC).

I have succeeded in reaching my goal of obtaining six of the available ten trout in the HTC. I have one trip to southern California to try to catch the remaining 4 species available (There are currently 11 native species of trout native to California, but one, the Paiute Cutthroat, is off limits at this time.)

It has been enjoyable, hard work, spiritual, cleansing, and I'm sure many more things that I'll cover in future posts. I recommend the HTC to anyone interested in seeing some beautiful country and many beautiful fish.

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