Monday, July 18, 2011

Jury Duty and No Fishing Buddy: AARRGGHH!!


So, what happened Sunday? I drove to the area that "houses" the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout in a native stream. However, I miscalculated and it appears that I will have hike in, camp and fish, and hike out. I did not have the days available due to jury duty so I drove home (more than 7 hours away) because I don't have a fishing buddy. If I had one he or she would have reminded me to take my jury summons with me and chill all day today at high altitude. I would have called after 5:00 PM and would have found out that my jury pool has been excused. Then, a quick back pack trip into the Lahontan's range and home in time for seeing my daughter as she visits home. AAARRRGGGHHH.

Now, I have a choice -- drive all day tomorrow to high altitude, spend the night HOPING that my body will adapt to the high altitude, hike for hours at high altitude, set up camp, fish, spend the night, hike out, then drive another day back home. Also, I will be spending another $150 in gas and risking a lost trip due to high altitude. My thoughts of adding this trip to the front of my southern California backpacking trip scares me more. The Lahontan Cutthroat is at a higher elevation than the campground in Sequoia National Park that I'm staying at for 3 days of acclimation before venturing in to the back country. If I get altitude sickness going for the Lahontan Cutthroat just before going into the Sierras -- my entire trip into the southern Sierra Nevada backcounty could be ruined.

AARRGGHH. I think I'm heading out in the morning. Nothing like a long road trip.

Take care all,

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